Cokeville Recreation Committee Meeting - June 24 - 12:00 PM - Cokeville Town Hall
Members Present: Amanda Bird, Harold Hatch, Renae Teichert, Julie Tonga, Casey Saxton (Rec. Staff) Members Absent: John Jackman, Julia Thomas, Maury Young Items Discussed: -Committee Objectives/Purpose/Organization -Parks & Recreation Master Plan -Recreation Facebook Page/Event Promotion Recreation Committee Sponsored Events/Calendared Events: Thursday, July 14 – Water Kickball & Chalk Art @ The Park (K-5th grade ages only) Time TBA Saturday, July 23 - David Dayton Memorial 5K Run. Check-in 6:00-6:30 AM at the park, begin at 7:00 AM Saturday, July 23 – “Footbowl” Flag Football Tournament – 2:00 at the park. Participants high school age and up. Committee didn’t think the school would be willing to let us use the high school football field. Elementary School field is locked to let the grass grow. Also said shade at the park is good. Saturday, July 30 – “Angler’s Sidekick” Fishing Derby. Check-in 7:00-9:00 AM at the park. Judging at 4:00 PM at the park. Saturday, August 6 – Date Night – time & place to be announced. (Possibly Pine Creek Lodge, if they will be willing to donate the use of the facility) -Also, Movie Nights were discussed. Pine Creek Ski Resort was presented as a possible location; committee decided it would be better attended if it were held in town. Will use Police Department’s equipment. Julie to check with John Jackman about screen. Also decided it would be best to have a movie night the evening the day that mosquitoes are sprayed. Next Meeting: Friday, July 8 @ The Park – 10:00 AM